Thursday, September 25, 2008


Haha man am I a big liar! Keep this blog updated with my progress? PSCHA! Anyway, things have been progressing nicely. The bad part is my weight has plateaued ever since training began. The great part is I've become faster, stronger, and although I don't have the technology, I'd like to think I'm kicking more ass. The hardest part of this whole training thing hasn't been improving, it's been consistently training and sticking to the schedule. It worked for about four weeks, but then I took a short vacation, and since returning I haven't been able to stick to the mandated workouts each day. The good news is my performance in the workouts I do end up completing is getting better... I've got just over two weeks until race day. I'm confident I'll finish. I haven't set any time limit goal for myself because I want to avoid any amount of disappointment. Of course I have looked up all sorts of times for past races and averages and the like, so that may be another lie.

I'm so freaking stoked.


Lis said...

I'm impressed by people who go out for triathlons. I could handle the swimming, and probably the biking, but the running? No way.

Melissa said...

Good luck. You are going to shut it down.