Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Get Hot Pre-Weddings Plan - GO!

Laziness is a pretty horrible thing.

I'm not saying I'm lazy, just that it's a horrible thing. A lot of wonderful things that can take the place of laziness in derailing a workout plan include the following:

Video games
Video games and beer
Television series on DVD
Hot girlfriend
    So, like I said, I'm not lazy. What I am is distracted. That ended yesterday (as of now). This doesn't mean I'm giving up any wonderful things. On the contrary, I'm embracing all wonderful things, and pushing working out into the wonderful things category again. I used to thrive on working out. I used to need it almost every day. It centered me. It's fallen a bit to the wayside. I haven't stopped, it's just become a bit infrequent. As opposed to my usual four or more times a week, it's become two to three, if that. Last week didn't even make that cut.

    Goals are important when it comes to keeping on track in a workout regimen. The hardest I ever worked out was training for my triathlon, and it paid off. I beat my personal time goal, and I felt and looked better than I have since high school. What I've been yearning for is a goal. It occurred to me the other day that maybe I don't need a race in my future to be my goal...maybe my goal could be... to look as good as possible for the two weddings I am attending in November!

    The plan developed quickly into a very basic principle: Workout as hard as I can as often as I can until the weddings. Focus both on strength and cardio training, and don't drop the ball. Keep it up, if I stumble, just keep pushing through. So that's what I'm doing.

    Yesterday I did strength training in the form of Sculpt 1-2 in the Power 90 series. It's the precursor to what you find on late night infomercials, P90X. It's not as advanced or time consuming, but it's still a good workout, and I can definitely feel it. I'll supplement it with running, cycling, and the ab ripper series that is also a Tony Horton product. I tried the cardio included with the Power 90 package, and somehow jumping in place, jogging, and jumping jacks just don't keep my interest...

    Hooray workout plan! Stay tuned.

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