Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The First Post

I've been putting off starting this blog for quite some time. Initially I started it right when I bought my scooter, a blue Yamaha C3 for those interested, and intended to use it as a means to document my adventures in not owning a car in the city of Richmond. That was back in March. It's needless to say this fell to the wayside for various reasons, one of which is more than likely laziness, but also because perhaps that's not what I wanted to blog about.

A lot has happened since March, one of many things worthy of note is that I got out of work early today (a rare and welcome treat - it's the small things after all). This chain of events eventually led to my decision to spontaneously update my blog! While listening to my Neutral Milk Hotel station on Pandora and surfing other blogs I was struck with inspiration. My blog doesn't have to be focused on any singular topic - there are thousands upon thousands of blogs that do that. Instead, my blog could focus on numerous topics...yes, that's it...and these topics don't need to be defined beforehand... as a matter of fact, the first topic of this blog is indeed the blog itself. I think this is a wonderful precedent to set, and I'll be damned if I'm judged, which I might not be as I have absolutely no audience waiting for a post. There may be a few individuals I initially told that I was going to begin blogging, but I would be surprised if they keep a very inactive, and as of now still very boring, rss feed on their system of choice. We'll just have to see what comes of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

About time you started this up..