Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Four Weeks - Wedding in three days

First, a week three summary: I've maintained my running distance of approximately 3.5 miles per run, and have increased the weight I'm lifting slightly. The Power 90 Sculpt 1-2 routine is pretty simple, but I enjoy it. I've also maintained the overall frequency of my workouts. I ended up taking two rest days instead of one due to a weekend trip to the mountains. On Saturday rather than run, I hiked for about 2.5 miles at a brisk pace over a rather aggressive amount of elevation change. Max, my fearless beagle, couldn't handle it. We started out the hike with him pulling me to go faster, and ended with me coaxing him up the mountain while attempting to maintain our initial pace that he had set.

I've slacked off a bit into week four. My left shin has been aching following the weekend camping trip. This is nothing new. When I began running and increasing my distance back in 2008 I would frequently have to ice my shin post-run. It's strange that it's cropping up now, since I'm not pushing any abnormal amount of distance when I've been running. I think perhaps it's due to the age of my running shoes. I've ordered a couple of new pairs of the ones I love (Saucony Progrid Guide) off of Amazon. This release of the shoe is no longer in production, but two more pairs should keep me going for about a year. Come to think of it, I've been running in the same pair for a year, so it's a good thing I'm replacing them now. I'll be sure to recycle my old pairs at my local running store so the materials don't go to waste.

UPDATE: The shoes came! That was fast - two days of turn around? Way to go UPS and Amazon.

I didn't want to run until I got my new shoes. I'm going to ease into it and not push my pace too hard when I do. Today might not be the day for a break-in run. While I'm not opposed to running in the rain, I'm just not feeling it right now. I'll try to sneak in a weight routine, and get a run in tomorrow before leaving Friday for the wedding weekend. I double checked, and the hotel has a gym, so I should be able to continue to keep up some semblance of my exercise regimen this week. Then I'm going to reevaluate. I've been thinking about training for a race...and while the wedding has kept me reasonably on track, I'm much more excited about the prospect of pushing towards an athletic goal.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Still raining...and cold. No runs this week :-/