Friday, March 28, 2008

a situation

I hate it when people start posts with, "It's been a while..."

...but I'm going to try harder. Northern Virginia is the pits. This is unfair, since it entirely depends on where you live, and it's a big f'in place, but where I am right now is an expanded vomit stain of suburbia. I do like parts of Alexandria, and can say I honestly haven't explored D.C. enough to form any up to date opinion, but I also know I miss Richmond.

There's something incredibly annoying about missing a place you've lived in for so long. I love it. It's night-and-day-different compared to where I am now. From the people to the ebb and flow of the city itself. Even local establishments feel like they're run differently. I wonder if it's just because it's familiar.

Either way, I can take a bit of comfort in the fact that I have an annoying place to miss.

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