Monday, October 20, 2008


This post race week has been pretty great. There wasn't any feeling of having been flogged, but I've been taking it easy in the interest of a REALLY good recovery, and have been eating more delicious food than usual (read: melty cheesey sandwiches, pasta, pizza, etc.). Alcohol consumption has increased, delightedly, and the fun quotient of the week was pretty high. Not to say that there weren't drawbacks, but overall, it was solid. Now it's time to get back to it...

Yesterday marked my return to Bikram Yoga. It's been a while since I've practiced, what with my training focusing primarily on the elements of the triathlon. Yoga (whether Bikram or not I can't tell) really helped me increase my running ability. When I'd first begun running my shins and legs were an issue. I started yoga, and it helped me get over the challenge. I'm going to try reincorporating it, while focusing primarily on running, to see if I can improve my ability further.

The class was fun. It was packed, and insanely hot. You could describe the smell as a cross between hampster cage and musky beach towel. A friend of mine went with me; it was her first time, and she was a freaking rock star. We'll see if she braves it again, but I'm always up for a yoga/workout buddy. The post sweat shakes are always interesting, but the unsuspected surprise came when I was commuting to work today. Car-yoga-funk! The thought process goes a little like this:

::sniff sniff::
/nose scrunches
Me to Peter (we carpool): "Is that antifreeze, or rubber?"
Simultaneously ::DEEEEEEP BREAAATH::
Me: "...wait, wait a second..."
...some laughter and comments about other gross bodily fluids.

The lesson to learn here is never, and I mean never, let a sweat soaked yoga towel chill in your car, even if it says it won't touch anything, and swears it's honest.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I did it.

This past Sunday I completed the Napier Realtors Richmond Sprint Triathlon. What's even more awesome is I did it faster than my goal time! I can't begin to describe how amazing it feels to finish something like that. I never would have been able to do this at the beginning of the year, and that's a great thing.

I can't wait until the next one!

400m Swim: 10:36
Transition 1: 4:02
20k Bike: 48:28
Transition 2: 0:56
5k Run: 28:55
Overall: 1:32:56