Friday, March 28, 2008

The Masked Bull (really)

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Masked Bull

Your Superpower is Nanotechnology

Your Weakness is Ants

Your Weapon is Your Star Slingshot

Your Mode of Transportation is Bike

a situation

I hate it when people start posts with, "It's been a while..."

...but I'm going to try harder. Northern Virginia is the pits. This is unfair, since it entirely depends on where you live, and it's a big f'in place, but where I am right now is an expanded vomit stain of suburbia. I do like parts of Alexandria, and can say I honestly haven't explored D.C. enough to form any up to date opinion, but I also know I miss Richmond.

There's something incredibly annoying about missing a place you've lived in for so long. I love it. It's night-and-day-different compared to where I am now. From the people to the ebb and flow of the city itself. Even local establishments feel like they're run differently. I wonder if it's just because it's familiar.

Either way, I can take a bit of comfort in the fact that I have an annoying place to miss.